Hayley & Brian’s Engagement Shoot

26 01 2008

The shoot that almost didn’t happen.  Hayley and Brian drove all the way from Tampa, in the rain, to make their engagement shoot at Jetty Park.  I called a few hours before the shoot to cancel because of weather, but they were already half way to Cocoa Beach.  They said the were a gambling couple and they would take their chances.  Meanwhile, I was trying to come up with some alternative indoor sites that would still maintain our creative edge.  Don’t ask me how, but as soon as they got here, the rain stop and the skies opened up.  We ended up having such a great time doing this shoot.    hayley-engagement-29.jpgpicturetitle.jpghayley-engagement-202.jpgpicturetitle.jpghayley-engagement-109.jpgpicturetitle.jpghayley-engagement-207.jpgpicturetitle.jpghayley-engagement-186.jpgpicturetitle.jpg