Exciting news for us – The Knot

10 01 2008

We just received a copy of the new Spring/Summer magazine and you’ll never guess who has an ad in there?

image-expo-050.jpgpicturetitle.jpg image-expo-051.jpgpicturetitle.jpg



2 responses

13 01 2008
J is for Jus

First, so cool that you are in Brevard which at times can be so completely boring! It is nice to know there are fresh-photographers out there who are doing such great passionate work.
Second, a big huge congratulations! I am so stoked that you guys are in there! Such a huge accomplishment and I can’t wait to get a copy! I’m definitely bookmarking and blogrolling you, so cool – so so cool!

9 02 2008
Donna Schra Gallagher

Hi guys, just looking at your site again since I got this email when we were in PA at Christmas visiting my Grandma, and really didn’t have much time. It is great you got in The Knot, I am still serious about submitting our wedding, I don’t ever see anything on older couples remarriages, older brides not in traditional gowns, etc., and I haven’t seen the Porcher House, and I still buy the magazine, believe it or not. Weddings got into my system when I did them on the cruise ship, and I just like reading the magazine. If you have researched what we need to do to submit photos, or would like to make a suggestion as to which you think might catch their attention, please let me know and I will be more than happy to start doing what I need to do. I think it would be great for you, and I wouldn’t mind it at all, I would have loved seeing some weddings like we wanted to have before for guidance and ideas, but no one had any, even national mags. Hope everything is going fine for the two of you and your “babies.” You have done some beautiful and creative work, wish Mike would have been a little more into photos so we could have gotten more creative, but at least he agreed to what we have!!!!!

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